In such a rapidly growing world as the blockchain game market, any plan can soon be obsolete so we only list the features we intend to implement for the purpose of getting more views easily.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
(Ongoing Phase)
2022 Q3
2022 Q4
2023 Q1
2023 Q2 - long run
List on CoinGecko
Launch 1st Multiplayer Game
Launch 2nd Game (DAO Voted)
Vote by the community to decide the most interest thing to do.
List on CMC
NFT Mint (2nd Round)
Cross Game Metaverse NFT
NFT Mint (1st Round)
NFT Marketplace
PVP Battle
Develop 1st Multiplayer Game
DAO Voting for 2nd Game
NFT Farming
Marketing Event
Develop 2nd Game
Prepare Roadmap of the Next Year
Last updated